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Worship/Holy Eucharist - 10 AM*

Coffee Hour/Fellowship 11 AM


* nursery provided upon request


Our Location

422 W. 2nd Street,

Grand Island, NE 68801


Your presence is most welcome here! Come and worship with us – for it is in our worship that we seek out the presence of God, joining together in the passing of the peace and the breaking of the bread. Come and experience

the grace of God.

You will find our worship draws heart, body and mind into focus on the love of God in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the companionship of the Church. Through various postures, words, and even silences, we focus on the Lord and receive direction and strength to live as the Communion of Saints, praying for unity among believers and peace among nations.

Sunday worship at St. Stephen’s is oriented around the Book of Common Prayer, one of the most influential books in the history of the English language.

Along with the goal of translating the Bible into a language the people could understand, the Church in England at the time of the Reformation took the vast and complicated forms of worship and condensed them down so they would speak to ordinary men and women living in the world.

They achieved this in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Many people who have never been to an Anglican service are familiar with the BCP because its ceremonies for weddings and funerals have been widely adopted by other churches and the armed forces.

At the heart of our Sunday worship is the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist centers on the description of Jesus’ actions at the Last Supper: he took the bread, broke it, blessed it, and distributed it. We see in this God’s way of accepting us as we are, breaking in us whatever hinders us, transforming us by his grace, and sending us into the world in his name.


Much Like our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters—as well as the early Apostolic Church—at St. Stephen’s we celebrate the Holy Eucharist and serve communion each Sunday.  If you are a baptized Christian and seek the Real Presence of Christ, you are welcome to receive at this altar (children too!). If you are not baptized, or simply prefer not to receive, you may still come to the altar and receive a blessing.

We welcome you to worship and pray with us. We are happy to pray for you. We believe that it is not by agreeing on points of doctrine but by worshipping and praying together in love and charity that we are the Church. Please check out the monthly newsletter so that you know of any seasonal changes in the worship schedule. 

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