The Rev’d Jeffrey Nelson, Th. D
Father Jeffrey Nelson was born and raised in Wisconsin. He received degrees from Valparaiso University (BA), The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (M. Div.), and Luther Seminary (Th.D).
Ordained in 1986, Fr. Jeffrey served as a pastor, college professor, writer, and editor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America from 1986 to 2010. He was received as a priest in The Episcopal Church at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, Minnesota in January 2010, where he served as Priest Associate until being called as Rector of Episcopal Church of Our Savior in North Platte, Nebraska, in November of 2010. In January of 2019, he was called to serve as Priest-in-Charge of St. Barnabas Parish in Denver, Colorado, and then Rector in 2021. Fr. Jeffrey began his ministry as Rector of St. Stephen’s in April of 2024.
Father Jeffrey is married to Curt Bennett. Between them, they have six children and three grandchildren. Father Jeffrey and Curt share dual residences in Grand Island and Johnson Lake, Nebraska with their Yorkies, Lila and Leo. Fr. Jeffrey enjoys reading, music, writing, travel, roller coasters, movies, and board games.

Kaeleigh Post
Lay Reader/Licensed Preacher
Kaeleigh Post was born in Garden City, Kansas and grew up in Grand Island, Nebraska with her parents, R.J and
Susan, two younger sisters, Lauren and Hannah, and family cats, Hedy Lamarr and Hermione Granger. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She also has a Masters of Theological Studies in Church History and a Masters of Sacred Theology in Systematic Theology, both from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. In her free time, she enjoys reading, knitting, watching cheesy sci-fi movies, sewing, playing the ukulele, and customizing her computer. Her sermons are available at https://kaeleighapost.wordpress.com/

Blanca Velazquez
Parish Administrator
Blanca Velazquez is St. Stephen's Parish Administrator. Blanca moved to Grand Island with her family in 2023. She was born in Texas and previously lived in the state of Iowa. She is the mother of 3 boys ages 22, 21, and 16. Blanca has been working with the Grand Island Public Schools as a Substitute Teacher. She enjoys visiting her parents in Norfolk, Nebraska and traveling whenever it's possible. Please contact Blanca about any of the day-to-day functions of the office.